2nd  Meeting: MC and Working Group Meeting

Dublin (Ireland) – 2/3 October 2019

2nd Meeting: Transnational Collaboration on Bullying, Migration and Integration at School Level

Dublin (Ireland) – October 2nd 2019

COST Action CA18115

Action Title: Transnational Collaboration on Bullying, Migration and Integration at School Level

Draft Minutes

Management Committee Meeting

Room E201, St. Patricks Campus, DCU, Dublin, Ireland

14:30 – 16:30, 02 October 2019


Presentation on the current status of the Action: start and end dates of Action, participating COST countries, participating NNC/IPC institutions and Specific Organisations.

Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM): review of completed reports and new applications.

A brief description of STSM and ITC grants was presented. The MC members were encouraged to apply and to pass on the STSM and ITC information to colleagues who may be interested.

Presentation of the current budget status. The MC members voted and agreed to update grant period 1 budget to include 2 MC/Workgroup meetings in year 1.

Presentation from the COST Association. This included information on STSM, Training Schools, ITC’s, MC decisions, e-votes and the reimbursement process.

The meeting discussed the MoU objectives and work group leaders gave a brief update of status of the working groups.

The meeting discussed how the Working Groups could achieve tasks and deliverables. The MC members agreed that to achieve all goals all Working Groups should meet twice a year.

Action Budget Planning

The meeting discussed the budget for Grant Period 2 and agreed that 2 MC/workgroup meetings should be included in the Plan.

Long-term planning (including anticipated locations and dates of future activities)

The meeting discussed possible locations for Grant Period 1,2 and 3 meetings.

Presentation on hosting the first MC/Working group meeting in Grant period 2 in University of Duisburg, Essen. Information on the venue, travel and accommodation was presented. The MC Members agreed to host the first

MC/Working Group meeting in Grant Period 2 at the University of Duisburg, Essen Germany in Autumn 2020. Exact dates to be confirmed.

The meeting discussed possible venues to host the second MC/Work Group meeting in Grant Period 1. It was agreed to host the meeting in Albania in March 2020.

The meeting discussed the possibility of hosting the first MC/Work Group meeting in Grant period 3 in Croatia in Autumn 2021.

The meeting agreed that all information in relation to the TRIBES Action should be available on the Action Website.

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