Meeting in Florence

“Transnational Collaboration on Bullying, Migration and Integration at School Level”

6-7th March 2023. Florence, Italy

1. Welcome to participants, verification of the quorum and adoption of agenda

Prof. Hildegunn Fandrem welcomed the Action Members to the last TRIBES MC meeting and informed the members that that due to the unexpected Airport strike in Italy, Chair of the Action Prof. James O’Higgins Norman along with other members of the action had to rebook return flights and leave the Florence meeting earlier than originally planned. Prof. Hildegunn Fandrem thanked and congratulated the Members on their work throughout the Action project.
The meeting quorum was verified. 31 Action Members attended the meeting from 19 Member Countries. The agenda was adopted.


2. a) Recap of the minutes of the last meeting, e-votes and matters arising since the last meeting
Recap of minutes of last meeting:

Summary of MC decisions
- Addition of Work Group 1, Work Group 3 and Work Group 5 meetings.
- Addition of Work Group 4 Publication.
- Handbook deadlines agreed.

E-votes and matters arising since the last meeting:

–   Adjustment to TRIBES Florence Meeting daily allowance rate due to restricted
Budget. Approved by MC-Voting 26th June 2023

b) Core Croup: report from the Core Group, including delegated decisions

Core Group meet remotely every quarter. Discussion on how best to steer the Action towards achieving goals and objectives. Working group updates are presented at each meeting.

Steering Group Meeting 24-04-2023:
- Deadline for resubmission of handbook chapters set at 31st July. Final feedback to be sent to working groups before TRIBES September Meeting.
- Time to be allocated to working groups to work on final handbook updates at
September Florence meeting.
- Work group Leaders to nominate one member from their working group for website subcommittee.
- All Action meeting information and documents to be uploaded to Action website.

c) Action Membership: New Specific Organisations and COST Members represented in the MC

- Number of Action MC Participants: 64
- Number of COST Member Countries represented: 32
- Number of ITC Countries: 18

d) Action Participation: WG membership and applications, New MC members/Observers and provisional substitution.

- Action membership: 126
- No new Working Group applications accepted since December 2022.

e) Budget status: summary from the Grant Holder.
Prof. Hildegunn Fandrem presented a summary of the current budget status.
Please see Annex 1 attached (slide 5).

f) Update from the COST Association (if representative is present)


3. Follow up and discussion on the
a) Action management: structure, leadership positions and other supporting roles.
Mandates to the Core Group (if applicable)

b) Implementation of the COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy
Prof. Hildegunn Fandrem advised the meeting that there are currently 126 Action Members (81
Female & 45 Male). 5 Female Members are currently in Action leadership positions.

c) Grant Awarding by the Action
Prof. Hildegunn Fandrem advised the meeting that 1 Dissemination Grant has been awarded in
year 4.

d) Progress of each working group

Working Group Updates

WG1: School Climate Assessment / Development: WG Leader Dr. Ruth Berkowitz
WG2: Immigration, Diversity and School Practice: WG Leader Prof. Janos Gyori
WG3: School Bullying, Tolerance & Integration: WG Leader Prof. Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger
WG4: Pupil Voice & The Promotion of Inclusion: WG Leader Dr. Niamh O’Brien/Prof. Maritta
WG5: School Design & Safety: WG Leader Prof. Muthanna Samara
WG6: E-Technology, Cyberbullying & Online Safety: WG Leader Prof. Jacek Pyżalski
Please see Annex 1 for Working group updates (slide 8 to slide 52).

e) Science Communication Plan
TRIBES Communication Officer Dr. Amador Ordóñez Puime presented the communication
update. Please see slides in Annex 1 attached (slide 53 to slide 74).

f) Progress on MoU Objectives, WG tasks, deliverables, and Goals for the current GP.
Prof. Hildegunn Fandrem informed the deliverables are on track to be completed by the end
date are of the project 30th September 2023.


4. Planning
a) Revision of Work and Budget Plan of the current GP (if applicable)

b) Draft plans for the following GP(s).

c) Upcoming activities


5. Monitoring and Reporting to the COST Association
– Year 1 Financial report submitted 2 June 2020.
– First Progress Report from Action Submitted 16 April 2020.
– 24-month Progress Report submitted 1 May 2021.
– Year 2 Financial report submitted 14 December 2021.
– Year 3 Financial report submitted 11th November 2022.
– Final Financial and Final Achievement report due 31st October 2023.


6. AOB

The members discussed the collaborations that have stemmed from the TRIBES COST action.
Further publications, strategic alliances among institutions and a further COST application were


7. Summary of MC decisions


8. Closing
Prof. Hildegunn Fandrem thanked the Local Organiser Francesca Bracci, colleagues, and the
University of Florence for hosting such a successful meeting. Prof. Hildegunn Fandrem thanked
the Action members for their contribution to the TRIBES COST Action and wished them well in
their future endeavours.


Bárbara Bäckström Portugal
Glorianne Borg Axisa Malta
Josip Burusic Hungary
Milan Cabarkapa Serbia
Bojana Dinić Serbia
Hildegunn Fandrem Norway
Márta Fülöp Hungary
Shang Gao Sweden
Reda Gedutiene Lithuania
Vasiliki Gountsidou Greece
Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger Germany
Sarah Hayes Ireland
Øystein Lund Johannessen Norway
Udo Kaser Germany
Jelena Misic Serbia
Niamh O’Brien United Kingdom
Amador Ordóñez Puime Spain
Piotr Plichta Poland
Tiziana Pozzoli Italy
Jacek Pyżalski Poland
Muthanna Samara United Kingdom
Janne Støen Norway
Edita Štuopytė Lithuania
Maritta Valimaki Finland
Heidi Vandebosch Belgium
Mina Vaskovic Jovanovic Serbia
Doris Velan Croatia
Sebastian Wachs Germany